Census Statistics 1801 to 1961

Henham Census Statistics 1801 to 1961

We are indebted to www.visionofbritain.org.uk for the following data and especially to David Gatley of the School of Social Sciences, University of Staffordshire where he runs The Victorian Census Project. The following tables are for the census returns of 1831, 1851, 1861,1871, 1881,1901, 1911,1921, 1931, 1951 and 1961. The 1831 Census was the first to provide information about individual occupations, but was also the last not to be based on a detailed door-to-door survey. It still relied heavily upon the network of parish priests.

The data, although it may vary from one return to another, is principally concerned with population numbers, numbers of properties, occupations etc. Although it does not contain any details of personal names (and are therefore of no use to the family history reader), they are of considerable interest when looking at how Henham compared to the national picture. As a rural community we sometimes bucked the national trend. At other times we reflected the national growth, decline and population shifts as we moved towards a more industrial environment, the consequences of world wars, and then to a commuting village whose wealth depended on outside activities.

Today only a handful of people are involved in agricultural employment, two of the farms having only one employee each. As a regular village sight, the tractor has been replaced by the 4 x 4 Chelsea tractors whose only forays into the off-road experience are to supermarket car-parks, carwashes and the occasional ditch, and parking on pavements near our village school.

Population density, population shifts and details of Henham houses from 1825 to 1961

Population density : persons per acre Henham was at 0.30 in 1850, falling to 0.25 in 1900 where it remained to at least 1961. By contrast the national figure was 0.50 in 1850 climbing steadily to 1.25 by 1961
Population change :
(% over previous 10 years)
Without using too many boring figures, Henham was quite extreme, plus or minus, in its population shifts between 1825 and 1925. It was only after 1925 that the parish appears to have shadowed a similar level to the national trend. Henham’s extreme points were relatively large population influxes in 1825 ( coinciding with a similar albeit lower national spike), 1850 and 1910 but with a severe plunge in 1900 that was against national trends.

1801 to 1961

1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1951 1961
Area in statute acres 2,990 2,958 2,958 2,958 2,995 2,995 2,995 inc 1 of water 2,995 2,995 2,995 2,888 2,888
Houses: total 173 185 200 196 189 190 180 188 181 180 198 239 245
Houses: inhabited 171 179 190 186 187 180 174 164
Houses: families 181 166 181 180 198 239 245
Households 166 181 180 200 241 245
Rooms:total 925 968 1,066 1,233
House: building nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 2
Houses:uninhabited 2 6 10 10 2 10 6 11
Occupations: families chiefly
employed in agriculture
Occupations : families chiefly employed
in trade, manufacture, and handicraft
Occupations : all other families
not comprised in the two
preceding classes
Persons :
703 659 804 863 855 911 875 837 812 813 700 741 726 695 750 729
Persons : males 350 318 402 454 438 482 458 434 409 418 357 388 367 344 356 366
Persons : females 353 341 402 409 417 429 417 403 403 395 343 353 359 351 394 363
Persons : males aged over 20 years 206
Agriculture : occupiers employing labourers 13
Agriculture : occupiers not
employing labourers
Agriculture : labourers
employed in agriculture
Employed in manufacture, or in making manufacturing machinery nil
Employed in retail trade or in
handicrafts as Masters or Workmen
Capitalists, Bankers, Professional
other Educated men
Labourers employed in
labour not agricultural
Other males aged over 20 years
except servants
Male servants aged over 20 years 1
Male servants aged under 20 years 2
Female servants 22
1831 Labourers as a % of population
Henham 70%, National 40%
Employers Educated men as a % of populationHenham 8 %, National 10%